The Warcraft 2 Quest Bars Lawsuit

The Warcraft 2 Quest Bars Lawsuit

As one of the most powerful and in-game advantages to having a high level character, it is only natural for gamers to want to take advantage of them and file a lawsuit against those companies who are guilty of misusing the quest bar system. The bar is an exceedingly useful feature, which allows players to turn in quest items faster, as they don’t have to break down the rest of the room to pick up the required item. However, these features are often abused by certain players, who then force Blizzard to remove the bars. This act has been strongly condemned by the game’s developers, and has made some local laws regarding bullying seem stricter in some areas.

Blizzard has taken action against many local high level players in order to restore the ability of players to turn the bars on their faction’s quest givers. In addition to forcing high level players off of the bars, they are also putting in an equivalent amount of money into the game. Whether or not this lawsuit will result in actual changes being made in the game is yet to be seen.

Some of the high-level players who have been affected by this issue include “KoS”, “GG”, and “HR”. Those are the names of the highest players in the world. They have all posted statements in the forums pertaining to this issue, and their disputes with Blizzard have gone down in the proverbial trenches. Some of the things that they have argued with Blizzard about include; having the bars displayed on the wrong faction (Blizzard claimed they were on the Horde side in World of Warcraft, when actually they were on the Alliance faction), receiving credit for quests completed without completing them, and not being allowed to change the default race for the character being teleported at the beginning of the game. Many other smaller points have also come up throughout the discussions.

Unfortunately for Blizzard, they also have to deal with individuals filing lawsuits, and they don’t exactly have a lot of extra goodwill among their players right now. A good portion of the World of Warcraft community is annoyed with them and would go so far as to threaten to quit the game if the issue isn’t resolved soon. This could disrupt what has so far been a very lucrative market for Blizzard and could have an effect on their future plans for the Warcraft franchise.

So what can be done about it? For one thing, Blizzard could add more icons to the bars. This will obviously solve the problem of players seeing the same bar over again. The other option that they have is to add another bar to the game. This way, there will be only one place to look for information on where to get started, instead of having to flip through a bunch of different bars. The second option also prevents some of the more outrageous claims from coming up.

The lawsuit may be resolved in the near future, but it doesn’t look like the high-level players are going to take any further action against Blizzard. They have already lost a lot of credibility due to thebars, and it is doubtful that they will ever regain it. Blizzard could, however, introduce more in-game bars that feature special currencies, such as rare materials. This would not only fix the problem of needing to look at the same bar over again, but it would provide players with a valuable resource.

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