Information About Quest Class Action Lawsuit

Information About Quest Class Action Lawsuit

In a Quest Class Action lawsuit against GlaxoSmithKline (makers of Quark and Quest) the plaintiffs were allowed to sue GlaxoSmithKline directly. This was not a usual practice in class action lawsuits before the plaintiff’s attorney, Paul Shella, brought the lawsuit. Normally, GlaxoSmithKline would go through their distributor channels and settle the claims with the customers. This is very common, as distributors try to settle claims through the company they are selling to.

The plaintiffs in this lawsuit had purchased these products from three different direct sales channels and had bought the same quantity each month since then. They claimed that GlaxoSmithKline was negligent in not providing timely and adequate information on the ingredients of the products nor in providing a refund when the plaintiff’s body could not physically accept or use the product. This negligence violated several Federal and state statutes.

These class action lawsuits arise from a variety of circumstances. In one case, a young woman developed a rare but serious infection of the breast, which required immediate surgery. Her doctors and nurses did not notify her that her symptoms were likely to recur unless she took certain medications. After the surgery, her medical insurance paid for the cost of her hospital stay, but only after she filed a claim for compensation under her disability insurance policy.

Another case involved a young woman who entered a car crash and required hospital treatment. Although the doctors and lawyers recommended that she rest at home, her parents insisted that she visit GlaxoSmithKline (the manufacturer of Quark and Quest) to get her symptoms under control. The manufacturer’s class action counsel sent a letter to the defendant notifying the girl that if she did not agree to a settlement, they would file a class action lawsuit against the company. The doctors and lawyers recommended that the plaintiff seek out the services of a personal injury attorney, who would be able to better represent her in court. The doctor and lawyers recommended that she seek a settlement with her personal injury lawyer rather than go forward with the case.

Many of these class action lawsuits are brought on behalf of a single person who has been wronged by another individual, a corporation, or a government agency. Sometimes a class action lawsuit arises when an individual suits someone else for injuries or damages as a result of defective products, improper medical treatment, and other negligence claims. Class action lawsuits also arise in cases where an individual compensation for losses that result from being injured at work. Sometimes, individuals sue large corporations for injuries they have sustained while driving their car. In such cases, the individual may not even own a car; rather, he will be responsible for purchasing it, ensuring its proper maintenance, and obtaining liability insurance coverage.

One class action lawsuit that was brought about a number of years ago involved an individual who was suing his employer, the United States military, and several other entities for breaches of contract that were committed by one of the individuals working for the company. According to the court records, the defendant’s policy required that all employees sign a non-disclosure agreement when it came to matters related to personal information. A number of employees, who signed this form, leaked this information to a newspaper in an attempt to obtain a job with the military company. As a result of this breach of fiduciary duty, the company was ordered to pay monetary damages to this individual for leaking the information.

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