Accident Law
Choosing a Great Car Accident Law Firm

Choosing a Great Car Accident Law Firm

You may be tempted to agree to a settlement with an insurance adjuster who is offering you a small amount of money and 30 days of medical care, but this may not be the best course of action. Besides, medical expenses related to the collision are covered by your insurance company. In addition, an aggressive insurance adjuster may try to record the settlement over the phone or even block your consultation with an attorney. If this occurs, the recorded settlement may not stand up in court.

FindLaw is a car accident law firm

When it comes to choosing the right car accident law firm, you must take several factors into consideration. One of the most important is how experienced the attorney is. There are many lawyers who claim to be trial attorneys but are more interested in settling cases. A good lawyer should have a great deal of trial experience. You need a lawyer who can prove that he has tried many car accident cases. Otherwise, the insurance company may decide to settle your case for less than the full value.

Another factor is the amount of traffic that the website receives. The site is relatively easy to navigate and is optimized for search engines. This means that it gets a lot of traffic and appears on top search results.

Free consultations

While free consultations are helpful in determining the level of compensation owed to the injured party, they don’t provide detailed plans. Rather, these consultations are meant to gather as much information about the accident as possible. This includes the police accident report, insurance policy, and any correspondence from the insurance company. Attorneys cannot give you an exact estimate of compensation in the initial consultation, but they will explain the scope of the case and what needs to be done to get there.

During a free consultation, an attorney will go through your medical records and gather any other evidence that may support your case. The more information you have about the accident, the better your lawyer can handle it. You should also be prepared to answer questions about the accident and its causes. If there are any witnesses, they can be contacted and recorded for future use. If any property was damaged, you can also bring photographs of the scene of the accident.

No fee unless you win

Hiring a car accident law firm with a no-fee policy can be the best option for you if you have suffered injuries in a car accident. A car accident attorney will know how to handle your case, which means that he or she will negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf, which will ultimately help you save money in the long run. The insurance company will typically pay more to those who hire attorneys than those who represent themselves.

The first benefit of contingency fees is that you will pay no attorney fees up front, so you won’t need to worry about paying them out of pocket. A contingency fee usually ranges from 33.3 percent to 40% of the amount of compensation you receive. However, the amount you’ll pay to a lawyer will depend on whether or not they win your case.


The experience of a car accident law firm is essential when pursuing a claim. Experienced attorneys have the necessary skills to negotiate with insurance companies and have encountered many different types of claims. In addition, they have the knowledge and resources to gather the necessary evidence to support your claim. This can include police reports, witness statements, medical records, and lost wage information.

An attorney can help you determine whether or not you’ll be able to pursue a lawsuit against the other driver. In addition, the attorney can track down the assets of the other driver and maximize your settlement. The deadline for personal injury lawsuits in New York is three years after the accident, so it is important to retain an attorney as soon as possible.


While you may have a hard time choosing a car accident law firm, you do have a few things to look for. A good law firm will have competent staff and an organized office. This is important because you’ll be interacting with staff and attorneys throughout your case. If an attorney is flipping through files, it may be a sign that you shouldn’t trust them with your case.

You should also look for a firm with a reputation for taking cases to trial. A law firm that rarely goes to trial is basically saying that they can negotiate with the insurance company and aren’t willing to go to court. This often leaves a client out of money, which is why it is crucial to find a firm with an aggressive approach.

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