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A Look at the Dr Oz Lawsuit

It seems that everywhere you turn there is another Dr. Oz lawsuit popping up all over the place. He has come under fire from the medical community for endorsing a weight loss diet and, of course, his famous colon cleanse. While it is true that Dr. Oz has done weight loss, he also strongly recommends using colon cleansers to help with other health issues. There have been claims that the colon cleansers could be dangerous, so this Dr. Oz lawsuit is not one people are looking to take lightly.

The lawsuit revolves around the claim that colostrum was improperly prescribed for the show. There were no clinical studies to indicate whether or not colostrum is the appropriate dosage. The product contains stearic acid, which is similar to sturgeon oil. Stearic acid is an accepted pharmaceutical grade component. While this is not the exact source where Dr. Oz got the idea for the lawsuit, you can probably expect that this is part of the reason it is being targeted.

The problem with this lawsuit is that it is being handled by a law firm that represents a well-known company. Dr. Oz’s company is in partnership with a very well-known health maintenance organization. You have to wonder if this is simply an attempt at a PR move to increase their sales. It would explain the prevalence of so many Dr. Oz websites throughout the internet. If there was a link to a lawsuit, there would probably be millions of people reading it right now. The links are out there, but Dr. Oz’s side of the story won’t be told.

The plaintiff in the lawsuit is asking for monetary damages. They are also seeking legal fees and lost revenue. This is standard in cases like these, where the plaintiff is not getting their way. Most people have to settle for a certain amount of money out of court in a lawsuit like this. Dr. Oz has already lost one major sponsor over this situation, so he may lose others as well depending on how things play out.

If you’re looking for information on this lawsuit, I urge you to do your research online. There are many websites that will tell you more about the case and who is involved. The plaintiff is asking for financial damages and medical costs related to a loss of work due to a loss of weight. There is a chance that the colostrum was a determining factor for her condition.

People have started to get curious as to what happened to this “miracle” drug. The lawsuit claims it was the cause of the weight loss. That would make it a direct violation of his product liability guarantee as well as his anti-trust policy. So, what’s the verdict? We’ll have to wait and see.

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