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Piping Rock Class Action Lawsuits

Many individuals are familiar with the class action lawsuit and have participated in one at some point in their lives. However, there is another type of litigation which is now receiving attention in the construction field as a result of the many injuries that occur on job sites. This type of lawsuit is known as piping rock litigation and was first brought to the attention of the United States federal district court by OSHA. If you have been injured on a job site which was caused by falling rock, you should contact a qualified attorney today.

Piping Rock Class Action Lawsuits

Piping rock is a type of rock that is commonly placed under a pipeline or other underground structure. Due to the pressure of the passing water or general ground pressure, the rock can easily fracture and cause an injury to those who may be working beneath it. If water is present, the rock may split and then become dislodged causing serious injury or even death. If the pipeline or underground structure was not constructed properly, the rock may have been positioned above an area with a crack or hole and this may also be a cause of injury.

Class action lawsuits are designed so that individuals who have been injured on the job site as a result of defective products or unsafe work practices are able to receive monetary compensation.

With this type of lawsuit, the named plaintiff must file their own lawsuit in order to participate in the class action lawsuit. This allows the plaintiff to bring forth their case against the defendant and make their own claims regarding the safety of the product or the work process. The named plaintiff in the class action lawsuit will typically have received some form of asbestos exposure and this will be the focus of their case.

In fact, the mere whisper of the word “asbestos” could cause an individual to develop Asbestos related illnesses within their bodies.

Individuals are exposed to asbestos on a daily basis through a variety of sources. These include things such as flooring, ceiling tiles, building material, insulation, brake pads, carpet, clothing, wallpaper and insulating material such as fire doors and pipe joints.

An Asbestos related illness may manifest itself in many different ways depending on the specific conditions which the individual has been subjected to. Some individuals may show signs of developing a lung disorder, while others may exhibit signs of losing their hair and/or getting sores on their skin.

Still others may have a serious issue developing in their digestive system or their heart. It is also possible for an Asbestos related illness to be developed in the kidneys, stomach, heart and/or bones. If you believe that you have been affected by a product that contained Asbestos and you have been experiencing health related issues, you may wish to contact an attorney that specializes in Asbestos lawsuits.

Pipes that connect oil or gas pipelines to septic tanks may be placed above or near an Asbestos filled sewer or drain field. If an oil or gas pipeline is involved in an Asbestos related Class Action Lawsuit, you can contact an experienced class action lawsuit attorney who will help you obtain the compensation you deserve. If you were injured as a result of a Class Action Lawsuit, you may recover not only medical expenses and a reasonable allowance for pain and suffering, but also substantial damages for mental anguish and property damage. The legal system can be quite complicated, so you should seek the guidance of an experienced attorney who will explain the laws of your state and your rights.

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