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A PG&E Class Action Lawsuit

Class Action Lawsuit Over PG&E Fires

A PG&E Class Action lawsuit is one of the most likely scenarios, if you live in parts of California with high levels of flooding. Most people that have suffered flooding have lost everything – including some personal belongings – as well as their homes. There are a number of reasons why people can end up with such devastating losses. Some of these reasons include being exposed to chemical fumes during rescue attempts, being exposed to dangerous levels of mold while in the home, and not having a proper flood plan in place.

A PG&E Class Action Lawsuit

Class action lawsuits have been focusing on the entity they feel could be at-fault for these devastating floods: PG&E, now the largest utility company in the state, for their lax maintenance of gas and electricity service in all parts of northern California. If PG&E is found to be at-fault, these individual plaintiffs can join together in a PG&E Class Action lawsuit for their devastating losses. Both environmental and public health issues are at stake, as well as the future of California’s economy.

A number of people have lost their lives and their homes due to the fires, and many more have lost their businesses.

As the cost of natural disasters rises, businesses and homeowners are feeling the heat. Many of the plaintiffs seek monetary compensation to cover living expenses and other losses due to the wildfires. A PG&E Class Action lawsuit on behalf of these individual plaintiffs seeks to hold the utility company accountable for the massive damage and loss of life caused by the utilities’ negligence in response to the devastating blizzards.

The State of California has determined that PG&E engaged in securities fraud when they released the amount of highly volatile natural gas in violation of federal safety regulations.

Plaintiffs argue that the utility did not have a business need to release the gas into the atmosphere. They further contend that PG&E failed to take reasonable precautions to prevent the release of the gas, which caused the extreme weather and record-high temperatures that resulted in catastrophic damages. When these extreme conditions hit the state, many people were forced to flee their homes, seeking refuge in nearby parks and schools. Many of those people lost their lives, and without insurance the loss of their lives could not be compensated under any existing statutes.

Several local officials were implicated in the scandal by way of official negligence.

These officials include former state attorney general Kamala Harris, former comptroller Oscar Calvert, former Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, and former California State Controller John Van de Kamp. Several current State Attorneys General and current Los Angeles district attorneys have been implicated in the case as well.

This class action lawsuit is just the beginning of what could turn out to be a very ugly war between PG&E and homeowners throughout the state.

The lawsuits and legal filings are expected to continue in the near future. In the meantime, those who have suffered losses as a result of the destructive wildfires should seek legal counsel from an experienced personal injury attorney. An experienced California class action lawsuit lawyer will be able to determine if there was conduct that can be found offensive or otherwise wrongful in this matter, and if such conduct was used to try to cover up the actual negligence that caused the catastrophic fires.

A good Los Angeles personal injury lawyer will be able to obtain the compensation that the class of plaintiffs deserve on a no win no fee basis, so there will be no reason for the victims of the California destructive wildfires to stand back and suffer.


Michael Economides says:

My wife and I live in a condo development in Monterey, CA. We did not have smart meters when we moved into our unit but, later eight meters were installed in a shed on the opposite side of our bedroom wall. Late at night, we routinely hear a whirling sound through our bedroom window.

Since the installation of these smart meters my wife’s health has gone down hill. She had to have a small cancerous node removed from one of her breast and recently has developed some type of digestive problem that has caused her to loose 30+ pounds. I believe this is more than mere chance and is more likely due to the 8 smart meters just beyond our bedroom wall which our bed buffs up against. I would like to join a class action law suite and will try to have the RF measured if possible. Would appreciate any advice you can offer.

Randy L Spade says:

PG&E has been found responsible for ‘most’ of the large fires in Northern CA. over the last few years.
Now we can’t find insurance and are forced to pay 3 times what we used to pay through the “Fair Plan”.
Does PG&E bear any responsibility?
This has also affected home values. The first question people ask when buying a home up here is “how much is insurance?” When they find out they run away.

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